Leaves of Grass Smoke Blend

I entered into the world of herbs first by smoking them.
The story started when I lived in Belgium my junior year of high school as an exchange student. Prior to that, in the states, I grew up in a pretty rural and conservative place where smoking cannabis (& even cigarettes) was pretty taboo. But in Belgium, i was a train-ride away from the Netherlands, and so on a journey to Maastricht, I smoked the stigmatized. And Immediately it opened my mind to the world of plants- because, I thought, if this plant could impact me in such a way, what about other ones? After all, in the Cherokee tradition that my teacher learned, cannabis is in the family of 'conjuring' plants-- those that change reality by shifting your perception of it. These plants are powerful magick-makers, and a spell was cast on me.
I started to become interested in other smokable herbs. I've tried lavender and mint. Coltsfoot, mullein, damiana. After several years of concocting & experimenting, I landed on this blend here-- the original Sensitive Earth potion, named 'Leaves of Grass'. It features dear calamus root- who was an ally of Walt Whitman's. He wrote a series of poems named 'Calamus' in his anthology 'Leaves of Grass'.
Whitman's friendship with calamus was no coincidence-- it's an herb with a great affinity for expression & speaking one's truth. Take a look at the root pictured here- it looks like vocal cords! In this way, with calamus as the star, this blend allows you to tap into your heart & speak from it with flow and connection. It's very helpful for writers, singers, activists, & anyone wanting to more clearly speak their truth.
This blend contains all organic calamus root, angelica root, mullein, damiana, & rose petals. It is in a 1/4 oz tin with a quote from Whitman's 'Calamus' on the back: "every year you shall bloom again, out from where you retired you shall emerge again" 🌱 It can be burned on a charcoal in your space or inhaled through paper or pipe.

A review submitted by a friend:_"It's amazing the effect that your blend has on my husband. Almost instantly he says the \[painful] spot on his leg "isn't angry anymore!" Also, his brain slows down to a clear, focused flow. Really amazing. And, for me, it's so delicious tasting and I feel so good; warm, courageous emboldened!! We bought some smoke blends from another apothecary. They do not even come close to the taste and feel of yours. You've made somethings wonderful- but that is no surprise- really, as it is infused with your very own wonderful energy!"_